Why do we pay a membership fee? What does it cover?
Several years ago, after a review was done to determine how much we should charge for a membership fee, we adopted a fee that would cover all of the direct expenses for PTA activities for each family/child.
These direct fees include: field trips, Peebles T-shirts to be worn for field trips/field day/spirit days, Winter/Spring room parties, field day, etc. In other words, your membership fee goes directly back to your family/child without the PTA having to bill you for each different activity that we have during the year.
What does the fundraising cover that the membership fees do not?
The fundraising that we do covers the remainder of our budget. The administrative costs for the PTA, assemblies for the students, staff appreciation and any other requests to support the staff and students. For example, past purchases have included smart boards for each classroom, a new Play web and Ball toss for the playground, and standing desks for certain classrooms just to name a few.
Is fundraising mandatory?
No! We do not require families to participate in fundraising if they select the $55 membership option. Our fundraising goal has been to provide a variety of options. Our thought is: “if you are going to purchase this, please purchase it through the PTA”. We are always looking for easy fundraising options like Restaurant Nights, Box Tops and Amazon Smile.
Why are PTA meetings during the day? Why can’t we have them at night?
The main reasons the PTA meetings are during the day are because 1) we get the highest participation and 2) Mrs. Bjalobok is there and 3) the kids are in school and not at their evening activities. We have tried evening meetings in the past and they always got lower attendance.
Can I participate in the PTA even though I can’t come to the meetings?
Absolutely! First of all, all minutes from each meeting are posted on our website for everyone to review. Questions are able to be submitted to the PTA Board (peeblespta@gmail.com) at any time and they will be addressed in the appropriate manner. Secondly, there are many, many PTA activities that take place in the evening or other times. Just because you can’t come to the meetings does not mean that you can’t volunteer for any of the positions.
How does the PTA communicate with families?
The PTA relies on several forms of communication to make sure that everyone is aware of what is going on. You can follow PTA on Facebook, read our weekly emails on Thursdays, and review our quarterly in-depth Newsletters. We also send flyers home in backpacks for fundraisers such as Sarris Candy and post PTA updates in the Peebles Platform sent by North Allegheny on Fridays.
How can I see what I have signed up for/ordered on the PTA website?
If you are unsure whether or not you have placed an order for something, simply log in to the website and select the ‘My Account” tab and click on “previous orders”. This shows you a listing of all orders/responses that you have made.
The website seems “quirky” and hard to find things.
The key locations to know in the website are:
- “My Account” – shows forms that are available to be completed or have been completed. Go here if you are looking to sign up to volunteer or register for an event.
- “Previous Orders” – as mentioned above, shows all your order history and if you owe for any event.
How do I update my email address?
Click here for simple instructions on how to update, add or remove an email address. This will allow you to keep getting our PTA communication and email confirmations when forms are submitted.
Do both parents have to create login accounts for PTA Website?
For a flawless experience, please create ONLY ONE account per household and invite other parent(s) to manage this account with you. Your account will be tied to primary parent and Both parents will still receive any communication and updates to their individual email addresses.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17