Spring 2025 After School Class registration will be March 12-26th


Spring PTA After School Classes - 2025


Monday - April 7, 14, 21, 28


Class Name: Keep it Moving

Day: Mondays

Class Description: Come to the gym (or outside if the weather is nice) to play some Ultimate Physical Education games and best of all we will KEEP IT MOVING while having fun. Some games may include, Sharks and Minnows, Pirate ships, Crossfire, Star Wars, Castle ball, Bingo Bowling, ball games, Tag games, and other favorite activities the participants choose…. Are you ready to have a BLAST and keep it moving?

Class Sponsor: Mr. Jackson

Email: chjackson@northallegheny.org

Location: Gym

Fee: $26 

Minimum Amount of Students: 16

Maximum Amount of Students: 30

Grades: K-5

Class Name: Barbies & Bracelets  

Day: Mondays

Class Description: Come on Barbie, let’s stay at Peebles to party!  Come in your favorite fashion style & bring a Barbie along!  We’ll play, accessorize, and make bracelets!   


Class Sponsor: Mrs. Magnone

Email: jmagnone@northallegheny.org

Location: Room 7

Fee: $26 

Additional Material Fee: $8 (includes a snack each class)

Minimum Amount of Students: 12

Maximum Amount of Students: 25

Grades: K-3

Class Name:  A Taste of Spain

Day: Monday

Class Description: Explore the richness of Spanish culture! Guided by a teacher who lived in Spain, students will experience Spanish traditions through cooking, games, crafts, and more! From making churros to learning flamenco rhythms and Spanish phrases, each session brings the best of Spain to life!

Class Sponsor: Ms. Grech

Email: agrech1@northallegheny.org

Location: TBD

Fee: $26 

Additional Material Fee: $5

Minimum Amount of Students: 5

Maximum Amount of Students: 15

Grades: 3-5

Class Name: Ukulele 101

Day: Monday

Class Description: Hey 4th and 5th Grade, let’s get strumming! Join Ms. Tunney and Mrs. Craska to learn the ins and outs of beginner ukulele. We will explore all of the basics so you can sing and play your favorite songs and tap into your inner rockstar- all while having a BLAST!  See “UKE” there!  (Note: This class is highly recommended for those 4th graders who want to strum in Ukulele Club next year!)

Class Sponsor: Ms. Tunney & Mrs. Craska

Email: ctunney@northallegheny.org mcraska@northallegheny.org

Location: Music Room

Fee: $26 

Additional Materials Fee: $5

Minimum Amount of Students: 12

Maximum Amount of Students: 30

Grades: 4-5

Tuesday - April 8, 15, 22, 29


Class Name: Rollerblading

Day: Tuesday

Class Description: Get a chance to Rollerblade and play games on your rollerblades in the Peebles gym.  Activities may include, Roller Inline individual and relay races, Limbo, tag games, and Four corners Disco lights.

Class Sponsor: Mr. Jackson

Email: chjackson@northallegheny.org

Location: Gym

Fee: $26 

Minimum Amount of Students: 10

Maximum Amount of Students: 30

Grades: 2-5

Special notes: HELMET REQUIRED - You may bring your own protective wear and Rollerblades or skates to this class.  If you do not have these things, they will be provided for you.

Class Name: Games, Games, Games!

Day: Tuesday

Class Description: We will have a snack first and then play ALL the games! Each week we will choose a different board game or card game to play together! Play the games you know and love or learn new ones!

Class Sponsor: Mrs. Cronin

Email: jcronin@northallegheny.org

Location: Room 30

Fee: $26 

Additional Material Fee: $5

Minimum Amount of Students: 5

Maximum Amount of Students: 20

Grades this is available to: 3-5

Class Name:  Musical Theater Exploration

Day: Tuesday

Class Description: Do you love to sing? Act? Dance?  Maybe, you’ve never tried, but have always wondered what musical theater is all about.  Well, then our musical theater performance class is the place for YOU.  Let’s explore ALL things musical theater and have a BLAST! For those of you who have joined us in the past, get ready for a NEW challenge!

Class Sponsor: Ms. Tunney & Mrs. Craska

Email: ctunney@northallegheny.org & mcraska@northallegheny.org

Location: Music Room

Fee: $26 

Additional Materials Fee: $5

Minimum Amount of Students: 12

Maximum Amount of Students: 35

Grades: 3-5

Wednesday - April 9, 16, 23, 30


Class Name:  It’s PLAYTIME - Come play with your PALS!!

Day: Wednesday

Class Description: Gaga, bikes, scooters, jump rope games, four square, football, soccer, basketball, kickball, playground, relay races and a whole lot more.  Let’s just have some awesome outdoor fun together!!

Class Sponsor: Mrs. Bjalobok & Mrs. Pallotta

Email: sbjalobok@northallegheny.org & bpallotta@northallegheny.org 

Location: Playground /gym

Fee: $26

Additional Material Fee: $5 - snacks each week will be provided - Lays, Pirate Booty, and Goldfish Crackers

Minimum/Maximum Amount of Students: All are welcome!

Grades: K-5

Class Name: Board Games

Day:  Wednesday

Class Description: Join up with your peers for an hour of fun with board games, card games, and other tabletop games! you are welcome to bring your own board games from home! 

Class Sponsor: Ms. Marusic

Email: hmarusic@northallgheny.org

Grades: K - 2

Location: Library

Fee: $26

Minimum Amount of Students: 5

Maximum Amount of Students: 25